Information about the various wars and events mentioned here will be posted soon. In a few days if I get off my lazy
ass and start typing.
New Trondheim is the largest and most powerful city in Erthshar. It is also one of youngest and has a rather unusual
story behind.
New Trondheim was founded by Merkava OrcBane and built now by people, but by an army of constructs, many of which were
designed with that purpose in mind. The city was literally build in a day. It was an incredible feat that almost noone could
believe without seeing it for themselves. Withing the span of only a few hours, everything a large city needed was built.
Houses, stores, smithies, guildhalls and a massive, central castle were thrown up at an unbelievable rate.
OrcBane created the city because he wanted to "create a safe haven for those seeking to escape the suffering and conflict
that are all too common in Erthshar today." The city placed a huge emphasis on racial tolerance and emphasised judging people
based on their deeds, not their race. The city was open to creatures of every race and kind as long as they didn't start trouble,
and racism was considered a horrible crime.
The city's population grew incredibly fast. New Trondheim had 15,000 residents by the start of the Bloody Axe war, only
a few months after it's birth. By the end of the Lich War, about half a year later, it had almost 25,000, the number
it was originally designed to support. Additional housing and a new underground section for subterranean races allowed
the city's population to rise to 30,000 by the middle of the Abomination War, about a year and a half after it's birth.
The city itself was abandoned near the end of the Abomination War, just before the appearance of the Dark Creator, as
the city was no longer able to defend itself effectively against the hordes of attacking abominations. However, it's people
stayed together and fled as a group to the Exoteric Ring, more commonly know as the Far Planes, the ring of newly discovered
planes beyond the Outer Planes. Even though they no longer lived in the city, the people still thought of themselves as the
people of New Trondheim, and their numbers continued to grow. While the abominations of the Abomination War had focused mainly
on New Trondheim, the Dark Creator and his minions were out to conquer the entire multiverse. The new, mobile New Trondheim
picked up tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands of refugees during the roughly half a year it spent trying to survive
the onslaught of first the Dark Creator, then the Great Destroyer.
After the Destroyer's two primary commanders in this multiverse were defeated and the Destroyer Hordes fled, the people
of New Trondheim looked back at their old city and decided it was time to go home. However, there was a slight problem. Most
of the refugees that had been traveling with the people of New Trondheim returned to their own homes to rebuild, but many
had no homes anymore and wished to stay in New Trondheim. A city that was large enough for 30, maybe 35,000 people now had
over 100,000. OrcBane decided it was time to expand and began the largest building project in New Trondheim since the city's
construction, which was now over 2 years ago. A new wall was build, well beyond the old wall, and filled with new houses,
guildhalls for several new, lesser guilds and various miscellaneous amenities. OrcBane also unveiled his plans for New Hladir,
a demiplane city that he had been thinking of making for some time, but was unable to because of the constant warfare.
New Trondheim is now larger, more powerful and more diverse than ever. Many of the battle mages of the Red Brotherhood
grew incredibly powerful due to their constant fighting in defense of the people of New Trondheim, and some of these epic
wizards and sorcerers have taken up careers in item creation. New Trondheim now had an incredible magic item market that has
given rise to the saying: "If you can't find it in New Trondheim or Union, you can't find it."
OrcBane, seeing how he had failed to deliver everything New Trondheim had promised, worked to make it up to his people
by making New Trondheim not only a safe haven, but an incredible entertainment center. He started simple and mundane at first,
adding a long overdue joust arena as well as two more theatres (for a total of three) and a permanent circus. Then he threw
common sense to the wind and brought and started having fun. New Trondheim now offers a number of unique and, well, interesting
entertainment services. Where else can you pay to ride a dragon? (And you don't have to pay very much either. It just has
to be shiny.) Or spar with a demon from the Abyss in a controlled arena? What other city boasts an orchestra that includes
a dragon, 2 demons, 3 devils, a treant, a titan, 2 elementals and, most incredible of all, a quasi-deity.(Vlendaria started
playing the flute? I can't say I saw that coming.)