Gummi Bären


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Holy monkey poo. Has it really been that long? I am such a slacker. Note the emphasis on such. That's very important.



Right. I've finally started programming again. I'm currently working on a program that will calculate the number of followers you can lead based on your leadership score in 3rd ed D&D. After that, well, we'll see. I don't know when it'll be done, but I'll stick it here when it's done. In the meantime, I've created a spreadsheet with leadership scores from 40 to 100 (since the Epic Level Handbook only goes up to 40). I'll stick that up in the RPG Stuff section soon.


This page is where you can download Java programs I create.  At this time, I only have one available. It works, but it is far from finished. If you do use it, any feedback or suggestions you have to make the program better would be very much appreciated. The program was originally intended as a practive test for the multiple choice section of the AP exams, but it can be used for any multiple choice test. When you first run it, select "write a test" at the first dialog, write the questions and save it to a file. You can then load the file and take the test later. I'll write and attach a readme soon. I'll also be putting up a log with TODO's and release dates for future versions.



Practice Test v 0.2

Practice Test Log