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![]() Gummi Bären
Trouble on the Horizon
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Scene I (The play starts out in Drakes familys home. Their home has two floors. The first floor has three rooms. There
is not much in the center room other than a door leading outside and a staircase leading up. The room to the audiences right
has a table in the middle with three or four chairs around. There is a fireplace on the right side. The left room is the kitchen.
It has a table, another fireplace and a sink. Since there is no plumbing, the sink is nothing more than a basin and a bucket
of water. Drakes father is sitting at the table in the right room adding the finishing touches to a suit of leather armor.
Drake is using a fletching kit to make arrows. Drakes mother is in the kitchen cooking.) Father: Youre doing well, son. Those should bring in a few extra silver pieces when the next merchant
caravan comes through town. Drake: Thanks. (Pauses, thinking.) I . . .(Dropping the arrow hes working on.) I cant do
this anymore. Father: Thats fine. Take a break. Weve got enough arrows already. Drake: No, not that. I mean . . . (Trying to find the right way to say what hes thinking.) I mean
this life. Its so . . . so boring. Every day its the same thing. Wake up. Feed the chickens. Milk the cows. Make a few arrows
or a buckler to sell to the next merchant that comes through town. Go to sleep. Then wake up and do it all over again. This
is unbearably . . . (Searching for the right word) dull. Father: Why do you need any more than this? We may not be the richest family around, but we have enough
money to live comfortably enough. We live in a nice town and you have plenty of good friends. What more do you need? Drake: I need adventure. I always hear stories about powerful wizards, noble paladins or mighty barbarians
and their exciting adventures. Well, Im tired of just hearing about them. I want to be one of the heroes of those stories.
I want to travel across Erthshar with a band of fellow adventurers, righting wrongs, slaying foul beasts and rescuing fair
maidens from imminent doom at the hands of a crazed zombie warlord. Father: (Laughing slightly) I can appreciate your desire for adventure. I was the same way at
your age. But adventuring is a dangerous profession. Youre five times as likely to be killed by some monster or wild animal
on the road to becoming that powerful wizard. Drake: (Hesitating. He clearly hadnt thought about that.) I . . .What if everyone let that scare
them away. Look at Merkava OrcBane. Hes only 16 years old, and hes already one of the greatest heroes Erthshar has ever seen.
What if his parents had told him that he couldnt be an adventurer? New Trondheim, the second largest city in Erthshar, wouldnt
even exist. (Drakes mother comes in from the kitchen to participate in the conversation.) Mother: Honey, Merkava OrcBane is probably the son of a deity or some other celestial being, not
some adventure hungry farmer. Drake: Maybe. Or maybe he was just a boy like me who wanted to get out and do something with his life. Father: And what exactly is it that you want to do with your life? Drake: I could go to New Trondheim and join one of the guilds there. Im strong enough to be a fighter
and smart enough to be a mage. I have what it takes . . . I think. Mother: If thats what you really want, then you can do it. But only if your father agrees as well. Drake: Really? Tha- Father: What are you saying?! I dont want our son running off and getting killed by some wild beast because
of his dreams. Its better for all of us if he stays here, where its safe. Anyway, theres no guarantee any of New Trondheims
guilds would accept you. You have to be the best of the best to get into a guild like the Red Brotherhood of Cystram or Nathors
Cavaliers. Drake: New Trondheim just went to war with that Orc Clan to the East of here. Theyll want as many new
recruits as possible because of that. Father: And, because of that, the risk is a hundred times greater. Drake: And my chances of finding adventure and glory are a hundred times better. Father: You seem to be missing the point here, son. Drake: So do you! Father: (Surprised by his sons rebellious outburst.) If . . . If thats what you really want, I
suppose . . .I suppose you can go. Dale is heading New Trondheim in a day or two to sell some of the new armor hes made. Ill
ask him if hell mind bringing you along. Drake: (Unable to contain his excitement.) Really?! Thanks! Ill go and start packing my things. (Drake runs up the stairs in the middle of the house.) Father: I hope we didnt just make a big mistake. Mother: I think we made the right decision. And besides, if the worst does happen, we can ask that Cleric,
Jaylin to resurrect him. She still owes us a favor from the time you fished her cat out of a well. Father: I wish I could be as optimistic as you. (End of scene.) Scene II (It is late evening. The merchant caravan Drake is traveling with has stopped in a clearing not far from the
main road. Dale and Drake are sitting by a small fire. Other merchants and a few armed mercenaries are standing, sitting or
sleeping nearby. A few tents are set up in the middle of the clearing. Dales accent changes periodically. He seems to be trying
to be more "proper" around Drake.) Dale: So, is this yer first time out of Sharnall, Drake? Drake: Yes, sir. Dale: No need fer that. Jes call me Dale. So, ye want to git out and see some adventure, eh? Did ya like
watchin the guards takin out them goblins? Drake: Yes! Actually seeing it is much better than just reading or hearing about adventures. Dale: But, its mighty dangerous too. Poor Rico almost lost an eye to one o them archers. Is a
good thing he cast a nice protection spell on imself. Drake: I know its dangerous. But the danger is half the fun. Dale: I disagree. Ill take nice, safe black smithing oer fighting any day. So, ya lookin forward to seein
New Trondheim? Drake: I cant wait. How much longer will it take to get there? Dale: We got us quite a bit o travelin left to do. Itll be three days at best. Thats if none o them goblins
decide to show up again. (Pauses) So, what do ya know about New Trondheim? Drake: Not much, really. It has about 15,000 citizens, making it the largest city in Erthshar next to
the Bluefur Gnoll Stronghold. Its size is very surprising, given the fact that it was founded only about 10 months ago by
Merkava OrcBane. Actually, I kind of think that the stories Ive heard about its size are somewhat exaggerated. How
could a city that size be built in only 10 months? Its almost too amazing to believe. Dale: Its size isnt half as amazing as how the city got started. I would neverve believed it if I hadnt
seen it with my own eyes. Drake: (Excited) You were there?! What was it like? Dale: Strangest day o my life. I was headin south, to Verkath, to deliver some chain mail that one o
my customers had ordered. I was bout, (Pauses, trying to remember) probly some 5 miles north of where New Trondheim
is now. I could see a whole buncha things marchin toward me on the road ahead. Looked like giants from where I was standin
so course the first thing I did was git off the road and hide. I waited til they were close enough to see clearly, and then
I took a little look out and I saw that it wasnt an army of giants. No. They were golems. Huge iron golems. At least 30 o
them, all pullin huge carts loaded with stone and wood and such. Building supplies. And at the front of em all was a boy who
couldnt a been moren fifteen or sixteen years old. That was Merkava, course, I didnt know that at the time. Now, I was mighty
curious, so I decided to come out from where I was hiding and go see what was up. He wasnt surprised to see me come out of
hiding. I saw a bunch more travelers, merchants like me mostly, following him and the golems. Probly all just as curious as
me an followin to see what was goin on. I walked up to the boy and asked what he was up to and why he had all them golems.
"Im going to build a city," he said. "A safe haven for all who wish to escape the violence and suffering that are far too
commonplace in Erthshar." When I asked im about them golems, he just said that they were a gift from a friend of is to help
im build the city. Well, I was even more curious now, so I decided that Drolans armor could wait and followed the boy and
his golems. We kept going for a few more miles, then he stopped, right in the middle of a big field where a few roads met.
"This will do nicely," he said. "Yes, well build it here." No sooner as e said it than all them golems start unpackin the
wagons and building things. They were building a city right before our eyes. They built houses, smithies, inns, taverns, stables
and all sorts of other things. They threw up a thick stone wall with lotsa guard towers, then the built a huuuuge (He stretches
the word and makes a gesture with his arms to emphasize the size of the building he is talking about) castle, right in
the middle of it all. Strangest thing I ever saw. I bet ya find that a bit hard to believe, eh? Drake: I can believe it. Its . . . That was a fascinating story. Dale: Thanks. I got a few more stories about my travels, but none quite like that one. Anyway, ye should
be gettin to bed now. We still got a long way to go to get to New Trondheim, and yell be needin plenty o rest. Drake: Alright. Thanks for telling me that story. Good night. Dale: Gnight, Drake. (End of scene) Scene III (The scene begins in a room similar to a present day waiting room like one in a doctors office. There are a
few chairs and a table with some tomes on it near one wall. The walls are decorated with paintings of various wizards and
magical artifacts. On the left side a mage wearing a red robe sits behind a counter. Drake enters through a door on the right
side. The mage in red looks up as Drake enters. Drake walks over to him to talk to him.) Mage: Welcome to the guildhall of The Red Brotherhood of Cystram, New Trondheims primary wizard guild.
Is there something I can do for you? Drake: I . . .I was hoping you could tell me how to apply for membership in the guild. Mage: Wow. An applicant. Havent seen many of you lately. Drake: Whys that? Mage: The ability to use magic has become something of a status symbol among todays youth. Most of the
applicants we get really only want to join so that they can learn enough magic to show off in front of their friends. The
mandatory military service that comes with membership in the guild has scared many would be applicants away now that New Trondheim
is having its first real war. I see youre different. Or were you simply unaware of the mandatory service. Drake: I didnt know that service was mandatory. But I wanted to do it anyway, so its not a problem. Mage: What is your name? Drake: Drake Drukall. Mage: Youre not from around here, are you, Drake? Drake: No. Im from Sharnall. Its a to- Mage: I know. Shall we get down to business? (Without waiting for an answer.) Applying for membership
is really a rather simple matter. I will ask you a few questions to see what you know about magic already. You will then serve
as an apprentice to a mage of the Councils choice. You will serve your master until he, she or it decides that you are ready
for full membership in the game. Drake: It? Mage: In a city as . . .(Trying to find the right word.) diverse as New Trondheim, a guild like
ours gets many . . . (Searching for the right word again.) unusual applicants. We take pride in the fact that we are
the only mage guild in recorded history to have both a beholder and a tan dragon who call themselves members. Drake: Ive never heard of a tan dragon before. Mage: And thats just the way they like it. But enough distractions. First question: Magic is divided into
two main archetypes. What are they? Drake: Divine and Arcane magic. Mage: Good. What are the eight main schools of magic? Drake: Uh . . . alteration, divination, conjuration . . . evocation, div-no I said that already. Enchantment.
Lets see . . . necromancy. (Counting off on his fingers.) Mage: (Helpfully) Two more. Drake: Illusion and . . . uh . . . abjuration! Mage: Good. Do you plan on specializing in one of these schools? Drake: No. I dont want to be a specialist. Id rather be more versatile. Mage: Very well. (He pauses, as if in thought.) The Council has been made aware of your decision.
They will take that into account when they decide whom you will serve. Im able to communicate with Xanar, the beholder, telepathically,
in case you were wondering how I told them. Next question: Wizards are divided into two classes. What are they and what are
the differences between them? Drake: There are mages. Their magic is logic based and comes from studying. Then there are sorcerers.
Their magic is intuitive and comes to them naturally. They are usually the offspring of deities, or dragons walking around
in humanoid form. Mage: Very good. You intend to become one of the former, yes? Drake: Yes. Mage: Ok. Next question: Do you know why our guild is called The Red Brotherhood of Cystram? Drake: Um . . . no. Im afraid not. Why? Mage: I dont know either. I was hoping you could tell me. (Pause) The Council has made their decision.
You are to serve as an apprentice to . . . (Surprised) really?! Wow. Well, Drake Drukall, the Council must have seen
great potential in you. Either that you someone really likes you. You will be serving as an apprentice to Lord Merkava OrcBane
himself. Drake: (Stunned) Really? I . . .I dont know what to say. Mage: Well, you can figure out what to say on your way to Mächtig Burg. Thats the name of Lord OrcBanes
castle, in case you didnt know. (He hands a note to Drake.) Show that to the guards at the castle gate, then give it
to Lord OrcBane when you see him. Do you know how to get there? Drake: (Still somewhat stunned.) Uh . . . what? Oh. No. I dont. Mage: Very well. Ill have my familiar show you the way. (He whistles once.) Payne, come here, boy. (A Hell Hound enters. A black German Shepard is an acceptable substitute if a real hell hound cannot be found
to play the part.) Drake: (Excited) Wow. A real hell hound. When can I choose a familiar? Mage: When you are powerful enough, a familiar will choose you. Payne, take this boy to Lord OrcBanes
castle. (The demonic dog growls something that almost sounds like "Yes, master," then walks out of the room. Drake follows
it out.) (End of scene) Scene IV (Drake and the other apprentices are standing in a rather messy room. There is a door on the right side of the
room. There two tables against the far wall with various scrolls, potions and the like scattered about on top of the tables
and on the floor. There is a large, cloth bag sitting one of the tables. A pile of tomes sits to the left of the tables. The
titles on the covers of the tomes can be written with runes or they can be in English. If they are in English they should
pertain to placing simple enchantments on weapons and armor, or to something like potion making. Nervith is sitting alone,
as far from the other students as possible. The others are all standing near the middle of the room talking about various,
trivial matters.) Nervith: (To himself) As if it wasnt bad enough that I must serve a human master, Ill be serving
with not one, not two, but three human students. This is nauseating. (He looks at Raewyn.) How can she drag
herself down to their level by talking to them. Growing up in a city thats constantly at war with Dark Elves must have
done something to her. I cant stand those filthy troglodytes. I can feel myself growing stupider just by being around them. Drake: (To Raewyn, Neara and Rose.) And thats my story. What about you? Why are you here? Raewyn: Im from Evora. Its an Elven city far to the north of here. My city is at war with the Dark Elf
city of NeRa, and I was sent here to be trained as a mage so that I would be of more use in future battles. Neara: My grandfather was a powerful conjurer. I really only joined the guild so that I could be like
him. Rose: My . . . my parents and I were attacked by bandits a few months ago. Some gnolls from the Bluefur
Stronghold came and saved me, but my parents were already dead. I thought that, if I became a really strong mage, then maybe
I could get revenge. And help make the roads safer for other travellers. Raewyn: Im sorry for your loss. I hope you get what you desire. Everyone except for the bandits would
be better off if a powerful mage or two would go and teach them a lesson every now and them. Perhaps someday I will be able
to aid you in your bandit hunt. Rose: Thanks. M . . . maybe sometime I could come and help you fight those evil Dark Elves. Raewyn: Your help would be appreciated. (Merkava and Ali enter through the door on the right, unnoticed by everyone except Nervith, who quickly returns
to his silent musing. Merkava studies his new apprentices.) Merkava: So these are my new victims? Ali Abid: Yep. Merkava: Elves? Its going to feel strange having apprentices four times my age. Ali Abid: If thats a problem I could find a different instructor for those two. Merkava: Its not a problem. Itll just feel a bit odd. Ali Abid: (To the students) Your master is here! Come here and hear what he has to say. (The students finally notice Merkava. All except for Nervith are somewhat awed by the fact that they are standing
in front of Lord Merkava OrcBane himself.) Nervith: What is our first task? A Cacofiend scroll? A Wand of Cloudkill? A Robe of the Archmagi? Merkava: Not just yet. See that bag on the table? It contains several daggers. I want you to place simple
enchantments on them. The tome next to the bag will tell you how. Nervith: Enchanting simple daggers? Thats insulting. I could do so much more than that. Merkava: Maybe you can. Maybe you just think you. It would be wise of you to learn your own limits if
you want to survive long. It would also be wise of you to realize that, as long as you are my apprentice, I am in charge and
you will do as I say, or suffer fierce consequences. Nervith: You dare to threaten me? (Merkava extends his hand toward Nervith. Nervith falls to the floor and begins gasping for breath.) Merkava: Yes. I dare to threaten you. I dont care how powerful you think you are. You and I are like
a fire beetle and a Balor Lord, respectively, of course. I could destroy you with little more than a thought. (Merkava lowers his hand. Nervith recovers. The other students are a bit stunned by this display.) Merkava: Im doing this for your own good. When I was serving as an apprentice, I was part of a class
of six. Only three of us were still alive by graduation. The three that died were killed by a wand that they tried to make,
without our instructors permission, that proved to be too powerful for them. They were incinerated and couldnt be resurrected.
I dont want that to happen to any of you. I have five students now, and I intend to have five when Im done with you. Im sorry
I cant stay longer, but I have some important visitors that I must see. I would be very pleased if you would all join me for
dinner tonight so that we might all become better acquainted. Good bye for now. (Merkava exits.) Ali Abid: Ill be doing some research in the library on the floor below this one. If you have any
questions at all about your work, please do not hesitate to come and ask me. (Ali exits.) Neara: Yeah, he is kinda cute, isnt he, Rose? Rose: What do you mean? Neara: Dont bother trying to hide it. I saw the way you were looking at him. Rose: Was it really that obvious? Raewyn: He is rather handsome in person. Nervith: How can you find that disgusting creature attractive?! Rose: Dont say that! Merkava OrcBane is one of the greatest men alive! Nervith: I have no doubt that he is the greatest human alive. However, given how stupid and disgusting
humans are, thats not too much of an accomplishment. How can you stand to be around these beasts, Raewyn? Raewyn: (Calmly) Id much rather be around humans than an arrogant jerk like you. (Nervith, infuriated, storms out of the room.) Raewyn: Ive dealt with his kind before. Hell become more tolerable eventually. I hope. (The lights turn off for 10 or 15 seconds to show the passage of time. When they come back on, the room is empty.
Merkava enters through the door on the right, then walks to the left wall and opens a hidden door. The hidden room is much
smaller than the room next to it. There is a pedestal in the center and a circular hole about 20 inches in diameter in the
left wall. Near the far wall is a table with four large gems. One is green, one red, one blue and one yellow. Merkava picks
up the red one and places it on the pedestal. It begins to glow. Suddenly there is a bright flash of light and a bright fire
starts to burn in the hole in the left wall. The voice of a young girl can be heard through the hole.) Girls Voice: Merkava, is that you? Merkava: Yes, its me, sis. How are things in the Planes? Merkavas Sister: Not good. Belial is worried. Merkava: Things must really be getting bad if the Lord of Fire is worried. Whats he worried about? (Ambrose enters and stands in the doorway, waiting for Merkava to finish his conversation.) Merkavas Sister: Some of his soldiers have started disappearing during their patrols. His followers
are really worried. Merkava: Does he know who or what is responsible? Merkavas Sister: Raiders from the Negative Energy Plane. And theyre not just a few wandering zombies
or some restless young vampires. These are organized raids. I think Belial has plenty to be worried about. Merkava: It looks like the war will be starting sooner than we had expected. Ill prepare New Trondheim.
Ill send some golems into the Plane of Fire if Belial wants extra security. Merkavas Sister: Im sure hed appreciate that. Merkava: (Looking at Ambrose.) It seems I have a visitor. Good-bye for now. Merkavas Sister: Good-bye. Ambrose: I love you, Ransisa. Ransisa: I love you too. (Merkava removes the gem from the pedestal and the fire in the hole in the wall fades away. Merkava places the
red gem by the others, then turns to talk to Ambrose.) Merkava: Whats up, Ambrose? Ambrose: I have a little problem. Some of my rogues are . . . uh . . . scared. Merkava: (Sarcastically) Gasp. The almighty Freecrusters are scared? Whatever could be the problem? Ambrose: Cut that out. This is serious. Some of my rogues were in the sewers and- Merkava: What were your rogues doing in the sewers? Ambrose: Thats not important right now. What is important is that my rogues ran into a bunch of zombies
and skeletons in the sewers near one of our . . . uh . . . places that we like to go. Merkava: And what place would this be? Ambrose: Oh, alright. Its an old tomb, loaded with treasure. My thieves, er rogues would have kicked
me out of my own guild if I told that they couldnt loot it. Merkava: You probably triggered some ancient trap that animated the corpses your rogues ran into. The
timing is perfect. My apprentices have learned a lot these past two months, and I think that theyre ready for some field training.
Ill send them into the sewers so that they can take care of this little undead infestation. Ambrose: Thanks, Merkava. My thie- er . . . rog- er . . . the city will surely be very appreciative. Merkava: Im sure your guild will. Good night, Ambrose. Ambrose: Good night. (End of scene.) Scene V (The five apprentices are standing in the sewers under New Trondheim. Each now wears a red robe and carries
either a quarterstaff or a dagger. There is a ladder behind them leading up. Sewer tunnels lead off in various directions
from where the apprentices are standing.) Drake: (He is very excited.) Wow. Our first real adventure this is so exciting. Rose: (She is very scared.) Y . . . yes, but its really scary. Neara: I dont think we need to worry too much. Im sure Merkava is watching us, and hell intervene if
we get into too much trouble. Raewyn: Probably, but I hope we wont need his help. We are down here to prove ourselves, after all. Nervith: That wont be a problem. Finally, I get a chance to test my true powers in real combat. I almost
pity any zombies that I come across. Drake: So, what should we do now? Should we just wander around the sewers smashing any undead we come
across? Nervith: Id rather travel alone, but Ill need a meatshield to take the hits for me when Im casting spells.
You come with me Drake. The rest of you go that way. (The others, slightly intimidated, obey Nerviths orders. Neara, Rose and Raewyn exit to the right.) Drake: (Sarcastically) Where to now, fearless leader? Nervith: Just shut up and follow me. (Nervith exits to the left. Drake follows him. Lights off. When the lights come back on Drake and Nervith are
standing by a dead end. Nervith is examining the wall.) Drake: Wow. It was just as exciting as I thought it would be. Nervith: (Without looking up.) It wasnt that exciting. We both knew from the beginning that
those skeletons never had a chance against me. Drake: So, how long are we just going to stand here? Nervith: As long as it takes to figure out how to open this damn door. Drake: What door? Nervith: Dont you see it? Theres a hidden door here. Ah . . . here. (Nervith pushes a stone in the wall. The end of the tunnel swings open, revealing a hidden crypt. Nervith walks
in. Drake follows him, cautiously. Nervith walks up to the tomb in the middle and starts to open it.) Drake: What are you doing?! Nervith: Isnt it obvious? Im opening it. Drake: Why? Nervith: He was buried in a tomb guarded by zombies and skeletons, so he was probably pretty important
when he was alive. That means he might have been buried with some magical items. (Nervith finally gets the lid off, and gasps with surprise when he looks inside.) Drake: Whats wrong? Nervith: He wasnt guarded because he was important. Hes guarded because hes so dangerous. Drake: What do you mean? Nervith: This isnt a corpse. Its a lich. Drake: A lich?! An undead spellcaster? The most powerful undead creatures known? Wow. Id be kind of excited
if I didnt know that I was gonna die in a few seconds. Nervith: Dont be so pessimistic. Ill be able to handle it. Drake: I know youre strong, Nervith, but youre not stronger than a lich. Lich: Light . . . so long . . . voices . . . you die . . . join my army of the dead. Drake: Um . . . damn. Im going to die. I . . . dont want to die. Nervith: Stop whining. (The lich rises from his coffin and mutters a short spell. Drake tries to run but is held in place. Nervith
tries to attack the lich, but he is held as well.) Drake: Cant move. Dont want . . . to die. So much to do. So much to see. I . . . cant . . . I must
. . .live. I WONT LET IT END LIKE THIS!! (Drake is bathed in a bright white light. When the light fades a Celestial Avenger, a dog like humanoid wearing
full plate armor, is standing next to him.) Celestial Avenger: What is your will master? Drake: What? Lich: What is going on? Nervith: How did you do that, Drake? Celestial Avenger: You summoned me, Lord Drukall. Now, what would you have me do? Drake: Lord? I . . . attack that lich! Celestial Avenger: Yes, master. (The avenger charges toward the lich and drives its sword through the lichs chest.) Lich: No. How could it end like this? (Dies. Again.) Celestial Avenger: It has been done. What shall I do next, master? Drake: Release us from the lichs spell. Celestial Avenger: Yes, master. (The avenger casts a short spell, and Drake and Nervith are able to move again.) Nervith: That was . . . interesting. Now to see if it has one. (Nervith walks to the lichs corpse and begins to examine it. He takes a scepter that the lich was holding.) Nervith: Yes. Do you know what this is? A lich scepter. With this, someone like me could become a
lich himself. Drake: Youre not . . . Nervith: Of course I am. (He holds up the scepter and utters something incomprehensible.) Nervith: Yes! YES! I can feel the power already. Drake: Stop him! Celestial Avenger: I cannot. My time in this plane is over. I must return to my celestial home now. (The avenger disappears in a flash of light.) Drake: I . . . I have to tell Merkava. (Drake runs out of the tomb.) (End of scene.) Scene VI (Merkava and several soldiers wearing full plate mail armor are standing outside of Mächtig Burg, around an
entrance to the sewers. They appear to be waiting for something. After a few seconds Drake climbs out of the sewer entrance,
out of breath from running.) Drake: Mer . . . Merkava. Lich . . . Nervith got a sce- Merkava: I know. I was watching. Were ready for him. Get somewhere safe. (Drake moves off to the side, but stays close enough to watch the battle.) Merkava: It might be possible to restore him, so lets try to take him alive if we can. (The soldiers acknowledge the order with a nod or a "Yes, sir.") Merkava: Everyone ready? I can feel his energy. Hes almost here. (There a bright flash of light. Merkava, Drake and the soldiers are thrown to the ground by an invisible force.
Everyone except for Merkava is knocked unconscious. Nervith quickly emerges from the sewer. He seems to emit a dark glow because
of the energy. His skin is brown and twisted in most places. His voice has become deep and guttural. He is hardly recognizable
at all.) Nervith: At last, the student has surpassed the teacher. And now, the teacher shall pay for not giving
the student the respect he deserved. Merkava: (Standing up) Youll never gain anyones respect if you only act like a selfish arrogant
brat. Nervith: How dare you speak to me that way?! Merkava: Give it up. Youre not scaring anyone. You havent completed the ritual. Youre not even a full
lich yet. Youve tripled, maybe even quadrupled your magical ability. Youre still no match for me. Nervith: Thats where youre wrong. I have more power than even you could imagine. Merkava: Lich Scepters arent that powerful. And even if they were, the power will do you no good if you
dont have the knowledge and discipline to use it properly. I know youre not going to listen, but Ill give you some advice
anyway. Youll be much better off if you know your own limits. Ive seen too many young people like you killed because they
thought they were unstoppable, and then they got taken out by a goblin or kobold in their first real battle. Nervith: Im sure that has happened many times, but it wont happen to me. Unlike those fools you speak
of, I actually am as strong as I say. Merkava: If youre so strong, then why am I still alive. What are you waiting for? Attack me. Nervith: If youre so eager to fight, why havent you attacked me? Merkava: Paladins code of honor. I cant hit you until you hit me. Nervith: Very well. Prepare to die, fool. (Nervith holds his hand out in front of him, palm up. A large, red ball of energy forms in his hand. When he
is believes that it is large enough, he throws it at Merkava. Merkava draws his sword with incredible speed and uses it to
hit the energy ball back at Nervith. The ball strikes Nervith and knocks him to the ground. Merkava walks up to Nervith.) Nervith: Well? What are you waiting for? Does your stupid code of honor keep you from striking someone
on the ground. Merkava: Actually, it does. Youre safe right now, but Im going to drive a bastard sword through your
chest as soon as you get up. (Nervith ignores Merkavas warning and begins to stand up. Merkava prepares to strike, but remembers that he
wants to take Nervith alive and instead strikes his head with the hilt of his sword. Merkava uses his free hand to deliver
a solid punch to Nerviths face to ensure that he knocks the lich unconscious. Nervith falls to the ground, unconscious.) Merkava: I wish it hadnt had to end like that. He was pretty powerful. He couldve done a lot of good
if was willing to help others. (Pause) I hope he can be restored. (End of scene.) Scene VII (Nervith lies on a bed in the center of the room. There are still a few brown spots on his skin, but otherwise
he is almost completely restored. Several clerics are standing around the bed. The head cleric should have some symbol to
set him or her apart from the others, such as an amulet.) Drake: Im . . . glad hes going to be ok, but . . . Merkava: Youre worried he might try something again? Drake: Yes. (Pause) Whats going to happen now? Merkava: You, Rose, Raewyn and Neara will continue to train under me until I feel that theres nothing
more I can teach you. Nervith is going to be expelled for using a powerful magical artifact without his instructors permission.
Id like to keep teaching him. He could do a lot of good if he had the right motivation, but thats the Councils decision, not
mine. Drake: You could teach him privately. Outside of the guild. Merkava: Nervith doesnt want to learn anything from me. Even if the Council hadnt decided to expel him,
I doubt hed stay here much longer. Drake: You were watching us in the sewers, right? Merkava: Yes. Why? Oh. Wondering about that celestial avenger, are you? Drake: Yes. It said that I summoned it, but . . . how can that be true? Merkava: If you finish your training and become a mage, youll encounter many strange things, but the
strangest mystery youll ever find is yourself. Drake: . . . Thats . . . not the answer I was looking for. Merkava: Ok. It could have been one of several things. You might have some celestial blood in you.
Or someone other than me was watching and intervened before I could. Drake: So, you didnt send it? Merkava: No. I dont have any power over beings like that. Drake: But you do know why it was there. Merkava: Its not my place to tell you. If youre destined to know, then youll learn without my help. (The head cleric walks over to Drake and Merkava.) Cleric: Weve done everything we can for this boy. It is fortunate that he was only affected for a short
time. A few more hours, and the scepters effects would not have been reversible. Merkava: When will he be awake? Cleric: Hes awake now. (Nervith gets up and walks over to Merkava.) Nervith: Its gone. You took it from me. I . . . I had it. I had power. And now its gone. Merkava: Your scepter has been placed in the care of the guild council. If you can prove to me that you
can use the power of the scepter responsibly, you can have it back. Nervith: I dont need to prove myself to you. I dont need anything from you. I had a dream. Now I know
where I can find power on my own. More than enough to squash a puny insect like you. (Nervith storms out of the room.) Drake: Well, it wasnt the happiest ending, but it could have been worse. Merkava: That wasnt the end. Nervith isnt the only one who sees things in his sleep. I know there is
truth to what he said. The act has come to a close, but the play is far from over. Weve made an enemy today, Drake. And he
will be back someday. With the power he desires. I just hope were ready when that day comes. (End of scene.) |
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