
Golem Restoration Spells
History: During the countless battles with the armies of the Destroyer, New Trondheim found that it simply didn't have
enough power to hold back the enemy forever. Necromancers created undead armies and the wizards and sorcerors of the Red Brotherhood
created mighty constructs, but it wasn't enough. The Brotherhood asked the clerics of the city for assistance in creating
golem armies. Unfortunately, most clerics only know how to create clay golems, which have the nasty habit of going berserk
after too much combat. Normally, this isn't a problem as clay golems are only used to guard something and see very little
combat, but these golems were being used in battle after battle, and there wasn't time to train the younger clerics so that
they could create other types of constructs. At first, one or two golems might go berserk every battle. Eventually, however,
large groups of golems were going berserk every battle. This was a problem that had to be solved. The wisest priests from
the temples met with the brightest golem craftsman from the Brotherhood and worked together to find a solution. Through a
combination of research, prayer and lots of luck, they were able to develop a spell to repair the seal that bound the animating
spirit in the golem, delaying the time until the golem went berserk. They were also able to develop less powerful versions
that were less effective, but could be cast by less experienced casters.
Minor Golem Restoration
Level: Clr 0, Sor/Wiz0
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Clay or flesh golem touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)
When laying your hands upon a golem, you channel divine or arcane energy into the golem that repairs the magical seal
that prevents the golem from going berserk. This spell decreases the cumulative chance of the golem going berserk by 1%. This
spell has no effect on golems that are already berserk. The divine version of the spell affects clay golems. The arcance version
affects flesh golems.
I'm too busy/lazy to continue now, so I'll summarize. They're more or less like cure spells. The amount by which
it reduces the berserk chance is equal to the damage healed by the equivalent cure spell. Also, a divine caster can
restore a flesh golem, but the spell works as one level lower. For example, if a cleric cast light golem restoration on
a flesh golem, it would work like minor golem restoration. The same is true for arcane casters and clay golems. One
more thing: spells higher than minor golem restoration affect berserk golems, but they do so as one spell level lower.
For example, light golem restoration cast on a berserk golem would work as minor golem restoration. Berserk
golems are considered to have a 100% berserk chance before the casting. Right.

