Gummi Bären
Hathor Hodouron

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Age: 19      Race: Human

Like Merkava, Hathor is extraordinarily powerful for someone of his age and race. Hathors parents were killed by orcs when he was only 15. His sister was captured and enslaved by the same tribe shortly after. At the time he was unable to save her, and so fled to New Trondheim, hoping to find help there. He could not afford to hire mercenaries to aid him, so he joined New Trondheims military fighter guild, hoping to acquire the training and money he would need to save his sister and avenge his parents.

Hathor caught Merkavas attention after only a few weeks in the city by single handedly smashing 4 catapults, slaying 47 orcs, 19 orogs and 16 bugbears and saving 14 New Trondheim soldiers from certain death during a battle with a powerful orc clan. After an interview with Merkava and several guild leaders, he was made a general for his combat expertise and heroism. He and Merkava led a successful expedition to rescue his sister and a number of other slaves shortly after. Hathor currently lives with his sister, Heana, in New Trondheim, though most of his time is spent on adventures with Rex and Merkava or commanding New Trondheims army.